Sunday, June 4, 2023

A New Race of Human on Earth

 the Gods yesterday held to the skin of blue and then transferred from the Word of President Biden who gave the Word of God to Us to sow in North Mexico the Martian before the earthling that follows to its own brother planet here on earth that will fulfill the Prophecy of NorthCorp Mexico the home of the Mascaza Indian; the Alian race that had tall long heads and spoke softly like women although they were men that came from the stars before God created them today in our own image given to our own race of children. who came from Mars before the return unto the land of Madrake the green skin under a blue sun.

1 comment:

  1. My cousin Paula had made creation set a pool towards Lake Titicaca and this pool was brought towards the spiritual pool or Lake Titicaca where this new being was created from the waters of Lake Titicaca and now we'll return back towards Lake Titicaca where my sister-in-Law Ingrid who is Paula's mom and who was at that Lake Titicaca on earth assisting Paula who was at the pool Lake Titicaca in Heaven


God is Lawless

 the fall od many will call upon a lawless one who will free many who were in captivity and speak out the laws that never take your own in h...