Sunday, June 4, 2023

Today Affects the Past and Future

The Parable or Paradox starts from the timeline of today that affects the timelines of the past and future at one time.

who's going to believe that the beast was Christ and who was the Antichrist they say he was the false prophet. This one that we call the false prophet is Satan who is the Devil who is a Demon giving authority to God. the man-child is the one they call Roger who is the son of perdition and who came to fulfill the prophecies doing God's will. they will say that God is different than what Roger says he is but Roger Ramos Grant is the One True God who is the also the Word of God. and those who deny him are afraid to ask God who he is because God will only tell the truth and if you cannot hear God then ask a Prophet of God if they can witness for the Father in Heavens above as he is the Son in God in the Heaven below, who cannot do any wrong while he is in the Spirit of Christ so is God the Father in Him. as God had given to Him the chalice of Holy Grails to Roger who turned to the left and passed it down to all the Kings on Earth and to all the Elect of God who received authority in Heaven within one hour at hand. and within this cup was the blood given from Roger who is the Blood of The Lamb and Jesus Christ 2023 years ago. he's the reincarnation the resurrection and the incarnation of Jesus Christ. who was born a King had died a King and shall rise a King once again. and those who do not believe in Roger's testimony of God were not around when we were creating the Universe, the Heaven Above and the Earth. the 4 and 24 beasts come out of the four corners of earth and heaven and gather around this place called Alamogordo and speak to the inhabitants of this world. and in the midst of these four corners formed another corner in the center that had all four corners holding a fifth corner where the Fathers of Heaven Blow the Horn of God to the seven Angels of each corner every time, they circle around in season four seven years.


  1. only today can change tomorrow or the past.

  2. only today can change tomorrow or the past. at the same time.


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