Thursday, June 8, 2023

Taken From the Spirit

 30 years ago, the Power of God overwhelmed Me by surprise it was way stronger than i could ever imagine. i had a lot of gifts if not everyone. for Me to overcome was the will of God during a mental breakdown at the age of 23 (mid-life crisis). i was inherent to all Gifts of God at that time i could not explain the curiosity of my nature i was given an iron Rod and Staff for the measuring of Heaven on Earth. i measured the times versus the times that God had given us this blessing at hand but never a reattachment from Heaven that had given us a cord to be reborn and a new child of Heaven. it was then that God started showing the gifts to our concern. one was to just listen and what was heard would come to pass, the other one was Luck everything from chaos would become in order. i had given these two gifts to two male children that are in seclusion because of religious purposes. one is the Red KaChina that is in the Forbidden City the other is Blue and is from the Dogon Tribe.

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