Saturday, June 10, 2023

The Prophecy of the Crickets

one third (1/3) of the sea dead so that led to one third (1/3) of our population dying, 1/3 of the grass dies so will 1/3 of our creatures or insects will die as well. just as a plague occurs when there is plenty of but one part of that food chain that did not receive what God had given to them in order to live will devour their own flesh and feed their babies to each other. and this will come upon each other as in a great feast. in order for the spirit live one must eat what God had given to them and share the rest of the food through the Churches as Pagans would do everyday for those who are in need of food and water. when the crickets stop chirping some one is going to die or become weakened as a start of a thirty three (33) year drought that will dry the Rio Grande before the chirping of the cricket start again. in the places of God's chosen people the crickets will gather at night and feast with God's children before returning back to yesterday for what was given today for every land and every spirit that must live to have dominion over each other.

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