Sunday, June 25, 2023

The Sand of Time Created Woman

 for every two marriages there will one more that was never surfaced shall arrive and bring the good Works of God to half way in the waters and half way on the land where the sands of time and water hold back the very existence of man until he remembers that what makes every shore to be trusted or to holds all things like love and hate within it as our own body that was made from the earth and everybody from their land that were likened to God but in man's image. and when  man was worked the shore line for food he fell into deep sleep and the first God who created man also created the woman from man but in Her own image and when the man was waking up from a deep dream, he saw the woman that was in his dream but being created at that time from the man's rib that was plucked out from him upon a shore on sandy beach that would find the things that were lost at sea. when she saw the man she called him husband meaning the Lord will provide for all the beasts on earth. when she said this she had already caught three fish to feed her husband when he awakened. and in this land Christians would divinate the gospel in order to learn future events that only God would know. and the Lord saw what was She rested on the sixth day. 

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